Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
How do I contact the school?
Please email us at and we will get back to you via email or we can phone you. Please include a contact number with your email. The school number is :01708 446476
Will my child be in the same class as their friends?
We will try our best to accommodate children with their friends. Please ensure you complete the friendship request section on the school admission form that you have been sent.
My child does not know any other children. Will they make friends?
Yes they will. We have many children who join us and do not know any other children. The most important part of our job is to ensure that the children settle happily at school and this involves supporting all children in making new friendships.
My child has allergies/has asthma/has ongoing medical needs?
If your child has any severe allergies or medical needs please inform us on your admission form. A member of staff will contact you to discuss your child’s needs further. It may be necessary to complete a health plan with the school nurse .
I have concerns about my child’s development/speech/ behaviour
If you have any concerns about your child’s development, their speech or with their behaviour please share your concerns on your admission form. If your concerns are more urgent then contact the school office by email and we will contact you to discuss your concerns.
Where can I buy a school book bag and water bottle from?
School book bags will be available to buy from the school office. We do have water bottles that you can purchase also but you are welcome to buy your own water bottle. Please ensure that the water bottle has an integrated straw or mouthpiece and not a screw cap top.
Does my child need a PE bag?
No. Children in Reception do not require a PE bag at school.
What does my child need to bring to school each day?
Your child will need to bring a suitable coat or jacket, their book bag and a water bottle to school each day. If they are having packed lunch they will need to bring their packed lunch box too. They do not require anything else.
What time does school start and finish?
School starts at 8.45 am and finishes at 3.10pm. This may be staggered for a period of time due to Coronavirus.
If your child attends breakfast club then this opens at 7.45 am.
Is there anywhere to park at drop off and pick up?
Salisbury Road is a Safe Street and there ae driving restrictions from 8am- 9.30 am and also at 2.30pm- 4pm. This means that cars are unable to drive through at these times. The street is clear and safe for pedestrians and we encourage walking, scooting or cycling to school. Those who drive find parking in neighbouring streets.
I do not want my child’s photo used in school or on any social media platforms?
Please fill in as appropriate on the school admission that you have been sent. All school staff are made aware of children who do not have parental permission to be included in photos or as part of any social media.
My child will be anxious and does not settle well. Will I be able to stay with my child? Can they attend part time?
This is often an unwarranted concern of many. The majority of pupils settle well into school and are extremely resilient. There are always some pupils who experience separation anxiety (and some parents too!) and we are happy to discuss any concerns prior to your child starting school.
It is not generally supportive for the child if a parent stays with them. We aim for your child to become independent and make friends and a parent’s presence can prevent this.
It is best to wait and see how your child copes when the time comes and any required adaptations can be discussed then.
As a result of Covid-19 my child has missed a lot of pre-school. Will they be behind others in their class? Will the pre-school share information about my child?
This is the most frequently asked question by all parents currently. No child will be behind or in front when they start school however all will have had a different lockdown experience and will be at different stages within their development. They will each be unique and it is our job to ensure that they are initially supported emotionally and mentally to enable them to make progress academically.
We will start your child’s learning journey based upon where they are and what they need when they arrive at school. Teachers assess pupils needs and use this to inform teaching and learning.
The majority of pre-schools share information with schools and we endeavour to contact all of our feeder pre-schools directly to discuss pupils and their needs. Many pre-schools have already been in contact with us and are doing a good job of supporting you while in lockdown. If we can be of any additional support please do not hesitate to contact us.
During this unprecedented time it is extremely difficult to provide a precise structured timetable with dates for starting school.
Pupils are usually admitted initially on a part-time basis prior to joining us full time and we hope that this will be the case this year. Reception pupils have previously started full time by mid- September .
We very much look forward to welcoming you into school in September and will hopefully be able to meet before then.