Friday 13th December
What a wonderful festive week we have had in Reception! We have enjoyed two fantastic performances of our Christmas show (during which the children were amazing and made us all feel very proud) and then our Christmas dinner today. We are definitely feeling very Christmassy!
This week we have continued our work on ‘Snowball’ and enjoyed drawing him rolling down the mountain. We have also been showing our teachers what fantastic writers we are becoming when writing letters to Santa.
In phonics we have had fun completing lots of Christmas ‘phonics activities’ in class. Teachers are busy assessing the children’s phonic knowledge, ready to re-group in January again. Don’t forget to read your reading books and practise your Word Time sheets as much as you can at home.
To practise your word reading click on the links:
Learning to blend 2 -
Learning to blend 4 -
Practise your Fred Talk with this game:
Fred’s Christmas-
In Maths we have been practising counting backwards and saying the number one more and one less than a given number.
Practise counting backwards from 10 and then 20 at home. A challenge for you see if your child can master counting backwards over the Christmas break.
Friday 6th December
Reception children have been busy getting festive this week. We have started making Christmas cards and hats for our show, and practising our Christmas songs in the hall.
We have been reading ‘Snowball’ by Sue Hendra in Drawing Club and drawing Snowball and the mountain that he lives on. If you would like to listen to the story at home, click the link below:
Kids book read aloud: Snowball by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet
In phonics we have all been working hard, continuing to learn the Set 1 sounds and blend them together to read words. Don’t forget to read your reading books and practise your Word Time sheets as much as you can at home.
To practise your word reading click on the links:
Learning to blend 1 -
Learning to blend 3 -
Practise your Fred Talk with this game:
Fred’s garden -
In maths, we have been learning about the 4-sided shapes squares and rectangles. We have been counting the number of sides and describing them as long, short or equal. We looked at shapes in the environment too.
Friday 29th November
This week we have had lots of fun in Reception and have started to prepare for Christmas. We have been practising the songs for our Reception show and have made a special decoration for the hall.
We have continued reading Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen and have been very creative in the Drawing Club. The children created some fantastic designs of machines to help Kipper to deliver his invitations and we drew special presents for Kipper. The children have been using their sound knowledge to write three letter words.
We have continued learning in our phonic groups and have been practising saying and reading lots of sounds. Please practise your sounds at home using the speed minute videos:
Lesson 2 -
Lesson 3 -
Lesson 4 -
Practise your Fred Talk with this game:
Fred at the farm -
In maths, we have continued developing our understanding of the numbers 4 and 5. We have been looking at different ways to represent 4 and 5, and talking about the number bonds of 4 and 5
Making 4
0 + 4 = 4
1 + 3 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
3 + 1 = 4
4 + 0 = 4
Making 5
0 + 5 = 5
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 3 = 5
3 + 2 = 5
4 + 1 = 5
5 + 0 = 5
Please practise learning these at home so that your child can recall these number facts quickly.
Friday 22nd November 2024
We have had a fun week in Reception this week, finishing off today with Fred the Frog’s birthday party and our ‘Bling’ event.
We have been reading Kipper’s Birthday by Mick Inkpen and enjoyed talking about birthday parties and designing birthday cakes in the Drawing Club. The children created some fantastic designs. Click here to hear the story being read aloud on YouTube: 🎈🎉🎂Kids Book Read Aloud KIPPER'S BIRTHDAY by Mick Inkpen I Kids StoryTime with Miss Randall
We have continued learning in our phonic groups and have been practising saying and reading lots of sounds. Please practise your sounds at home using the speed minute videos:
Lesson 2 -
Lesson 3 -
Lesson 4 -
Practise your Fred Talk with this game:
Fred’s bedroom -
In maths, we have been deepening our understanding of the numbers 4 and 5. We have been looking at different ways to represent 4 and 5, and talking about the number bonds of 4 and 5.
At home, you could practise writing the numbers 4 and 5 using Ten Town. Please practise writing the number using the number tracing activity on Ten Town and on some paper with a pencil.
There is a more or less game on the ‘Freddie 4’ page which will be a great game to play to reinforce what we have been learning in class.
Friday 15th November
We have been enjoying the autumnal sunshine in the garden this week and having lots of fun with our friends this week.
We have continued our ‘Drawing Club’ and had great fun drawing a spell for Meg the witch with wiggly worms, stinky cheese and spiders. The children loved it! Why not ask your child to draw a spell for Meg the witch at home and see what they put in.
We have continued learning in our phonic groups and have been practising saying and reading lots of sounds. Please practise your sounds at home using the speed minute videos:
Lesson 2 -
Lesson 3 -
Lesson 4 -
Practise your Fred Talk with these games:
Fred at the zoo -
Fred’s food cupboard -
In maths, we have been learning about triangles and circles. We have been using the vocabulary ‘straight’ and ‘round’ to describe the sides and counting the number of sides and corners. See how many circle and triangle shaped objects you can find in your house. You could draw some of them and bring them in to share with your teacher.
Friday 8th November
The children have settled well following the half term break and have enjoyed our first week back this week. It has been lovely to see their smiling faces in the morning.
This week we have started our ‘Drawing Club’. Drawing club is an exciting approach to teaching Literacy. We will select a book to enjoy for two weeks and then develop the children’s vocabulary, drawing, reading and writing skills in a fun and imaginative way. Our first book is ‘Meg and Mog’. Click here if you would like to share it at home.
Meg and Mog - Give Us A Story!
This week we have been in our new phonic groups. The children have been very sensible when moving to their new groups and it has been lovely for the staff to teach their groups. Please practise your sounds at home using the speed minute videos:
Lesson 1 -
Lesson 2 -
Lesson 3 -
In maths, we have been talking one more and one less. If you want to practise some work on patterns at home, please click the link below:
We have arranged for all children to have a log in to Ten Town so that you can use this resource at home. Look out for a letter with your child’s log in details.
Friday 25th October 2024
We have been enjoying the sunshine in Reception this week and having lots of fun talking about Pumpkins, Autumn and Halloween.
This week we have continued learning about rhyming and have shared the book ‘Room on the Broom’ by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler. Click the link to watch the story at home together on the BBC iPlayer:
We have been practising our Fred Talk and learning to blend words together every day. If you want to practise this, please click on the link below to play a fun Fred Game about the colours:
The children have been working hard in phonics and have all been assessed. After half term, the children will be grouped based on these assessments and will be taught phonics in groups with children who all need to focus on the sounds. Over half term, please continue to practise reading your reading books and ‘Word Time’ sheets so that your child remembers all of the sounds. We have sent Word Time 1.3 this week.
In maths, we have been developing a deep understanding of the numbers 1, 2 and 3 and practising to write the numerals. You can practise your counting by playing the underwater game.
Also practise writing the numerals 1,2 and 3. We use the following rhymes to help the children with their formation:
King One - Top to toe, there you go.
Tommy Two - Hands to knees then straight across please.
Thelma Three - Round one hand and then round the other
Thank you for your ongoing support
The Reception Team
Friday 18th October
This week has been another good week in Reception. We have enjoyed our learning, particularly our Stay and Play on Thursday.
This week we have been learning about rhyming and sharing the book ‘Oi Frog’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field. Click the link if you would like to listen to the story at home together:
Oi Frog - Watch this fun children's story book read aloud :)
We have been practising our Fred Talk and learning to blend words together every day. If you want to practise this, please click on the link below to play a fun Fred Game about the weather:
The children are working very hard in phonics lessons and learning lots of the Set 1 sounds. Please continue to practise reading your reading books and ‘Word Time’ sheets and playing the ‘Ready to Read games’ every day if you can please.
In maths, we have been talking about repeating patterns. If you want to practise some work on patterns at home, please click the link below:
We are looking forward to the last week of the half term next week. Don’t forget our ‘Break the Rules day’ on Friday 25th October.
Thank you for your ongoing support
Friday 11th October 2024
This week we have had a fun week in Reception. The children have been playing together and enjoying lots of fun learning activities. We have been telling ‘Helicopter stories’ and carefully drawing our class birds using oil pastels.
This half term we have been enjoying stories which have repeating language as these are great for us to all join in together. One of our favourites is ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear” Click the link if you would like to listen to the story at home together:
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? | Fan's Animated Book |
We have been practising our Fred Talk and learning to blend words together every day. If you want to practise this, please click on the link below to play a fun Fred Game:
Remember to practise reading your reading books and practising the Ready to Read games and Word Time sheets every day if you can please.
In maths, we have been talking about measures and comparing size, weight and capacity. We have talked about objects being bigger and smaller, heavier and lighter and how much can fit inside different containers (capacity). If you have a chance, take some boxes and containers from around your home and see how much fits inside the different sized containers. You can fill them up with toys, cubes or bricks. You could also play the ‘Let’s compare’ game below:
This week we are sharing our family learning project for the Autumn term. Look out for this on PING - it has been sent today.
Thank you for your ongoing support
The Reception Team