Year 1
Squirrels Council Election information
Squirrels Council elections will be taking place on Tuesday 21st January to elect new Councillors for the Spring term. If your child would like to put themselves forward for nomination, please take a look at the attached information. All nominations need to be submitted by Friday 17th January.
Friday 13th December
Wow! What an exciting week we have had in year 1 this week. Firstly we had our Christmas performances of 'Born in a Barn'. The children did so well, with remembering their lines and singing and dancing. We are so proud of you all and thank you so much to the parents and carers who came to watch - your support is appreciated. Also thank you for your generous donations after the performances - this money will be well spent on fantastic musical performances for the children to enjoy.
Today we had our Christmas dinner and it was delicious! The children were so excited to pull their crackers and tell each other jokes over their lunch, it was a wonderful atmosphere.
Here are another couple of phonics video links for the children to watch at home. It has been wonderful to hear the children talking about watching them at home, this will go a long way in helping them with their reading and writing.
ow -
oo -
oo -
i-e -
o-e -
u-e -
We are looking forward to a fun filled week next week, getting ready for Christmas and having parties! Have a great weekend.
The year 1 team.
Friday 6th December
In year 1 this week we have completed a science investigation about our sense of touch. We were trying to work out what part of our body is the best for touch. We predicted first, then we investigated by touching a soft pillow with different parts of our body, we then recorded our results and came up with a conclusion.
We also spoke a lot about online safety. One of our lessons was that we had 2 apples from our fruit bowl. To one apple we said kind things to and to the other we said horrible things to (the children were reminded that they were only allowed to say these horrible things to the apple and only in this lesson!) We then cut the apple open to study the inside. The apple that had nice things said to it was healthy and juicy inside, however the apple that we said horrible things to was very bruised inside. We concluded that this is how it makes someone feel inside if someone keeps saying horrible things to them. We tried saying sorry but the apple stayed bruised inside. We linked this to real life and also when we are online too.
Friday 29th November.
Our performance is coming along nicely and the ping has been sent about what the children can wear for their performances.
Thank you to the parents and carers who came to the drop everything and read today.
The children have been telling us about downloading the app and playing the games that were suggested here last week which is great! They have also been handing in some lovely work in their homework books too. Keep them coming - there is only a couple more weeks to get all of the starred activities done.
From now on we will be posting some links to phonics videos to watch at home on here. Please let your child watch these each week as they will help with the recognition of the sounds and their reading.
Have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
The year 1 team
Friday 22nd November
This week has been busy in year 1. We have been learning about mammals and amphibians for Science. We have also been practising our Christmas play songs and some children took their lines home to learn for the performance. All finished off with our exciting 'bling it' day. We enjoyed showing off our decorated scooters, bikes and shoes and learning how important it is to be seen when walking around the area.
We would like to bring your attention to a fantastic app that can be downloaded onto phones and tablets, which will help the children with their basic maths skills. The children have had access to it in school and enjoy playing it. Here is the link for more information click here - 1-minute maths app | White Rose Education
'Hit the button' is also a great maths game for quick fire questions. The children could pick number bonds, doubles or times tables to practise their 2s, 5s and 10s. Click here for the game - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds
Have a great weekend.
The year 1 team.